Testimonial Sexing Dari Husny Jati Nugroho

05 Januari 2017           By : MINGCU           Tags:

Numpang Curhat

Nandhu Chromatus beli di Ming Cu De ukuran udah 10cm dibilang unsex. Tadi sore molting ane kira kulit abdomennya rusak, ternyata kelipet. Ane coba kirim fotonya yang udah ane benerin ke dia. Eh disuruh sexing sendiri tapi dikasihh tau bedainnya :v Perasaan udah gak enak aja, jangan-jangan male. Dan ternyata setelah ane jelasin ke dia ada mahkota kaya kelipet blablabla ternyata female :3

Kan parah tuh udah 10cm dibilang unsex harusnya kan female biar harganya lebih naik :v

(Nandhu Chromatus bought from the Ming Cu De measure already 10cm but spelled unsex. This afternoon its molt, I guess the molt of the  abdomen skin is damaged, it folded. I am trying to send a picture that I've took to her. she told me to sex it by myself, she told me how to differentiate the male and female. : v Already feeling uneasy, may be male. But, guess what? it turned out after I explained to her, crown (spermathecae) as  folded blablabla, it turns female! : 3


10cm are gone badly spelled unsex , should label female let the price is rising: v)

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