Profesional Tarantula Breeder and Importir (Kami tidak melakukan persilangan kawin tarantula karena hal itu adalah tabu dan dilarang di pertarantulaan, tarantula import yang kami rawat pasti telah kami berikan perawatan dan istirahat semaksimal mungkin sebelum dikirim kembali untuk menjamin kesehatannya. Jangankan yang ratusan ribu atau jutaan, yang harga lima puluh ribu pun kami rawat sepenuh hati. Peliharaan kami tidak dinilai dari seberapa besar rupiahnya!).
Tarantula Sehat (Sehat dalam artian tidak DKS, tidak bernematoda, dll. Kalau sekedar kaki putus bisa numbuh kembali. Pasti alan diusahakan yang sempurna)
Ukuran dan Sexing Akurat (kami tidak main-main dalam hal ini, kalau kami bilang ukuran 4-5 cm berarti minimum 4 cm, kalau beruntung mungkin bisa dapat lebih besar, tapi tidak dijanjikan lebih dari 5 cm), Jenis kelamin pun pasti akurat karena menggunakan metode sexing yang akurat. Lihat halaman ini untuk garansinya.
Terlengkap, termasuk aksesorisnya.
♥ Welcome in Spider Lover Petshop
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♥ To view the entire product click on sale or “dijual”.
♥ To view the entire product per category click sale “dijual“ – “sortir“ or directly in the category: “kategori“ – “sortir“ or click “selanjutnya“ at the category.
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♥ To make it easy for you to search something, you can utilize the “search“ and “tags“ on the menu.
Please do remember, we use Latin name only, not a common name, so if you enter a common name in the search feature certainly it does not appear any result.
♥ Tags is a group of products. For example, if you are looking for an Indonesian tarantula, click the “tarantula Indonesia” it will display the entire tarantula from Indonesia, and so on.
"Selamat datang di Spider Lover Pet shop, yang berarti pet shop pecinta laba-laba. Laba-laba dan tarantula adalah peliharaan yang layak dicintai selayaknya seperti peliharaan yang lain.
Sebagai pecinta tarantula sejati, pantang tarantulanya dijadikan obat atau ajang adu atau buat ngagetin teman atau hal-hal lain yang membahayakan tarantulanya.
Tarantula hanya untuk dipelihara! Peliharalah sebaik mungkin."
I have been in this hobby (Tarantulas) for over a decade and I found this online petshop opened by Ming Cu somewhere in February this year. Made a purchase for some slings (Selenocosmia, Phlogiellus and Cyriopagopus species) and also some isopods from her. Received everything with very good freebies that are really usefull way on time and most importantly alive and in extremely good condition! Everything was packed profesionally and the post-purchase was very good and not to mention the service was fantastic. Overall, I strongly feel that this place was alot better than many other petshops out there and I recommend those that are really serious about this hobby out there to check out this place. Definitely returning for more Ts soon! Thank you very much once again for all the wonderful slings and products!
Hello! I have some great news! The parcel arrived today! It had gotten a completely new tracking ID, so I had no chance of knowing it was your package. I was very afraid to open the parcel, ready for the worst case scenario. But to my surprise, not much smell and a few loose tarantulas greeted me when i openet the lid J.
The good news is that many of them were alive, but the bad news is that they are in bad condition. Spiders are hardy, so it’s a abig chance that they recover. Even so, if I would loose a few and only have a few survive, it’s far bettr than I first expected.
I would like to thank you for your superb packaging skulls! If it wouldn’t have done like that, I am sure i would have lost even more. I am so blown away by the packaging and the survival rate due to the bad circumstances, it was fantastic!
Would you do me the honors to write a short guide, with photos, on how to pack tarantulas safely, so that I can add it to the file section in my group, Invertebrate breeders? If more were packaging lie you, we would have a lot more survivals.